Family Mediation in

Crowther Mediation offers a supportive and completely impartial family mediation service for families in Middlesbrough and surrounding areas. Located in the North East, we can offer both in-person and online family mediation sessions for families seeking to resolve disputes and begin conversions.

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Family Mediation in Middlesbrough

Crowther Mediation are committed to providing a compassionate, effective and locally-tailored Family Mediation service in Middlesbrough. Our team of highly experienced family mediators recognise the unique situations that families in Middlesbrough may encounter and we are here to offer guidance and support through even the most complex of disputes.

We can help resolve disputes such as:

  • Divorce or separation settlements
  • Child maintenance disputes
  • Child custody arrangements
  • Ongoing co-parenting disputes

Contact us today to learn more about our family mediation service in Middlesbrough and how we can help support you.

Get in touch today
couple family mediation

What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a voluntary process which allows separating or divorced couples to sit together around a table and have a discussion – not an argument – in a safe, controlled, professional environment.

At Crowther Mediation, you can be assured that your experienced mediator will help you navigate through difficult issues to make arrangements for your future.  Mediation is completely impartial and whilst we might ask you to consider some of the options a court would look at, we are not here to make the decisions about your future. Get in touch now if you are looking for Family Mediation services in Middlesbrough.

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experienced mediation team in newcastle

Why Choose Crowther Mediation?

At Crowther Mediation we offer a supportive and effective approach to resolving family disputes. Here are some of the reasons why we’re the right choice for your family mediation needs:

1. Experienced Mediators 

Our mediators bring years of expertise in dispute resolutions for families in the North East and the rest of the UK.

2. Confidential and impartial

The discussions you have with our mediators are entirely confidential and impartial, giving you the freedom to discuss and explore all options in a safe and controlled environment.

3. Cost-effective solutions

Mediation is typically faster and more affordable than going to court. Our family mediation service helps you save time, reduce legal expenses and achieve a fair solution without the stress of prolonged legal battles.

4. Proven success stories

Many of the families we have helped support over the years have shared their feedback. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out how we’ve helped.

5. Support for all stage of disputes

Whether you are just looking to explore mediation as an option or seeking a resolution after other methods have failed, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Meet our mediators

Family Mediation Process

How long does family mediation take?

Online family mediation sessions for families in Middlesbrough can expect to take place over 2-3 sessions, with each session lasting approximately 90 mins.

What happens during family mediation?

During the sessions you and your former partner will be asked to explore all of the options available to resolve the issues you have.

Is family mediation legally binding?

Mediation is not a substitute for legal advice and you are encouraged to have some independent legal advice to help you consider the options available.

Is family mediation confidential?

Mediation is a confidential process which means you can feel free to discuss and explore all options safe in the knowledge that if mediation does not work, the court are not entitled to hear about your discussions, which may prejudice your case.

More FAQ's
family mediation process - woman on swing
apply for family mediation

Apply for Family Mediation


Any party wishing to engage in the mediation process must first of all attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting. This meeting allows one of our mediators to explain a little bit more about mediation on a one-to-one basis, and establish the nature of the dispute, before deciding whether not mediation is appropriate. This can be done online or in-person if you are located in Newcastle or surrounding areas.

It is essential to attend a MIAM before making an application to court. The mediator needs endorsed court application forms to confirm attendance at a MIAM.

Book a MIAM

Family Mediation Costs in Middlesbrough

Online family mediation fees

£120 per person + VAT

  • Your Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting will be conducted by an accredited family mediator.
  • 45 minute meeting with 30 minutes preparation and follow up work
  • Includes letters and phone calls to the other potential participant.
  • Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Out of hours MIAM
£140 per person + VAT

Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 9am or 5pm and 8pm and Saturdays between 10am and 12.30pm.

Processing of court forms C100/ Form A where necessary

£210 per person + VAT

  • 90 minute joint mediation session conducted by an accredited family mediator.
  • Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
  • Includes document reviewing, record of session, routine follow up work and routine communication with you.

£240 per person + VAT

Monday to Friday between 5pm and 8pm and Saturdays between 10am and 12.30pm.


£280 per person plus VAT for a 2 hour joint mediation session conducted by an accredited mediator.

Written outcome statement – £120 per person + VAT

How we’ve helped families in Middlesbrough

Shaun Welsh

“Very impressed with the service, perfect balance of professionalism and friendliness. Judith done everything in her power to reach a resolution. Thank you for your efforts”

Michelle Farrell

“Lisa and Nicola are fantastic, so kind, sympathetic, understanding and just simply wonderful at listening. Ladies yous should be so proud of how amazing yous both are at your jobs.Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Michelle x”

Louise Deas

“I would highly recommend this service to anyone going through difficulties coming to an agreement. I was made to feel at ease and that someone was happy to take the wheel for a while”

Rachel Isherwood

“Made to feel comfortable throughout the whole mediation process. The virtual meetings were brilliant. the team were great from start to finish.”


“Using Zoom is a fantastic way to mediate. Nicola was brilliant and made me feel at ease. Very professional service.”

Family Mediation FAQs

1. I live in Middlesbrough, do you offer online or in-person family mediation?

We offer both online and in-person family mediation sessions. The costs of our online sessions can be found on this page. If you would like to meet in person, please contact a member of our team to discuss your requirements.

2.What is mediation in family law?

Under family law, anyone wanting to make an application to court must first meet with a mediator to see if their case could be resolved through mediation rather than the court system.  This meeting is called a MIAM – Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting.  

If family mediation is not suitable in your case, the mediator will sign your court application form to confirm you have considered mediation.

3. Can I get free family mediation?

Legal Aid is available for anyone in receipt of Universal Credit, which means the cost of the mediation process would be FREE. Not every mediator can offer Legal Aid, only mediators approved by the government.  Crowther Mediation is a Legal Aid provider.

There is also a government voucher scheme available for £500 (inc VAT) towards the cost of mediation relating to children matters.  It does not cover the cots of the MIAM but would cover the cost of the first mediation session.  It is not means tested, so anyone can apply.

4. Is the family mediation voucher scheme still working?

The mediation voucher scheme will expire in March 2025.  It began in 2022 and has been renewed annually.  However, as of December 2024, the government have not made any announcement regarding it’s renewal after March 2025.

5. Do I have to attend family mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary process, so you don’t HAVE TO mediate if you don’t want to.  However, you must meet with a mediator and consider mediation in a MIAM- Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting before being allowed to make an application to court. 

6. Does family mediation work?

Yes.  Mediation has a very high success rate.  At Crowther Mediation over 85% of our cases settle at mediation without the need for court involvement. 

7. How do I prepare for Mediation?

Mediation is not a substitute for legal advice.  It is important to get good legal advice before coming to mediation, so you know what the likely outcomes at court would be.  If you are discussing finances,  it is important to have all your financial information available.  During your MIAM, the mediator will explain more about the information required.

8. What to wear for mediation?

Remember mediation is not court. It is important to be comfortable as mediation can often be a long process. Read our ‘what to wear for mediation’ guide for more information.

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