Crowther Mediation provides bespoke conflict management training packages to businesses and organisations.
An unmanaged conflict can very quickly escalate out of control, often resulting in loss of business or legal proceedings. Empowering employees within your organisation to effectively deal with conflict when it arises could save both time and costs.
Front line staff can often feel threatened or under attack when dealing with a complaint. Our raining provides them with the skills they need to manage their emotions in the face of conflict and diffuse the situation.
Our half day training packages can be done on site with groups of up to 30 participants. This interactive course allows participants to practice their new found skills in role play scenarios.
We also provide a two hour webinar for up to 40 participants where delegates can learn the theory of conflict management and how to diffuse conflicts they are faced with.
All participants are also provided with a certificate confirming their attendance and completion of the course.
Our training courses are adapted to meet the individual needs of our clients so you can be sure to get the most out of your training. For more information or to discuss your training requirements please contact directly.
“To practice the process of conflict resolution we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want.”
Marshall B Rosenburg, Founder of Non-Violent Communication
Why train with us?

Crowther Mediation have earned a reputation for excellence in dispute resolution. Our mediators have achieved incredible results in high profile, complex matters all over the world. We have also lobbied for changes in legislation in the UK, Greece, UAE and Pakistan. We have sat on the board of numerous organisations shaping the future of mediation and developing the mediation processes we use in various legal frameworks today.
Our trainers all have a wealth of experience in the field of mediation, and this is evidenced in the training they deliver. Delegates benefit from working with real life scenarios and trainers who have learned from their own experiences and are willing to share those experiences. Their knowledge and passion for mediation can be seen in the lectures they deliver and their anecdotal teachings.
Our accreditations

Enquire now!
If you would like further information relating to our training courses, please contact us directly to arrange a call with one of our lead trainers.