Family Mediation Services in
Crowther Mediation offers a supportive and completely impartial family mediation service for families in Liverpool and surrounding areas. We offer online family mediation sessions for families seeking to resolve disputes and begin conversions.
Liverpool Family Mediation
If you are seeking to resolve a family dispute that avoids the complexities and costs of going to court, then family mediation can be the perfect solution. Our highly experienced team of family mediators are committed to guiding you through challenging times, offering a supportive environment where all parties can express their concerns and perspectives in a safe, completely impartial environment.
We can help resolve family disputes such as:
- Divorce or separation settlements
- Child maintenance disputes
- Child custody arrangements
- Ongoing co-parenting disputes
We tailor our family mediation service to the needs of families in Liverpool, and the surrounding areas, so that you can begin to make arrangements for the future.
Online Family Mediation costs in Liverpool
£120 per person + VAT
- Your Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting will be conducted by an accredited family mediator.
- 45 minute meeting with 30 minutes preparation and follow up work
- Includes letters and phone calls to the other potential participant.
- Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Out of hours MIAM
£140 per person + VAT
Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 9am or 5pm and 8pm and Saturdays between 10am and 12.30pm.
Processing of court forms C100/ Form A where necessary
£210 per person + VAT
- 90 minute joint mediation session conducted by an accredited family mediator.
- Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
- Includes document reviewing, record of session, routine follow up work and routine communication with you.
£240 per person + VAT
Monday to Friday between 5pm and 8pm and Saturdays between 10am and 12.30pm.
£280 per person plus VAT for a 2 hour joint mediation session conducted by an accredited mediator.
Written outcome statement – £120 per person + VAT
Family Mediation Process
You’re most frequently asked questions answered
How long does family mediation take?
Online family mediation sessions for families in Liverpool can expect to take place over 2-3 sessions, with each session lasting approximately 90 mins.
What happens during family mediation?
During the sessions you and your former partner will be asked to explore all of the options available to resolve the issues you have.
Is family mediation legally binding?
Mediation is not a substitute for legal advice and you are encouraged to have some independent legal advice to help you consider the options available.
Is family mediation confidential?
Mediation is a confidential process which means you can feel free to discuss and explore all options safe in the knowledge that if mediation does not work, the court are not entitled to hear about your discussions, which may prejudice your case.
What to wear for mediation
Remember mediation is not court. It is important to be comfortable as mediation can often be a long process. Read our ‘what to wear for mediation‘ guide for more information.
Apply for Family Mediation
Any party wishing to engage in the mediation process must first of all attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting. This meeting allows one of our mediators to explain a little bit more about mediation on a one to one basis and establish the nature of the dispute, before deciding whether not mediation is appropriate. This can be done online if you are located in Liverpool.
It is essential to attend a MIAM before making an application to court. The mediator needs endorse court application forms to confirm attendance at a MIAM.
How we’ve helped families in Liverpool
Family Mediation guidance
Get in touch
If you live in Liverpool and would like further information about family mediation services in your area, get in touch now.
Please send us an enquiry in the form provided or give us a call on: 0330 390 3398